
Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Speaking of Johnny Cash, this dream was from the 26th, but it was a new drem experience for me. I had just been waken up, and I said to myself, "I'm gonna start dreaming again. When some thought entered my mind, before i knew what was going on I was back asleep and dreaming. Here it is:
I was standing above a hole that went straight into the ground. All along the sides were these holes where goblin like creatures lived. They could talk and they just steal people's stuff all the time. I was trying to recover something they stole from me, so I made a device similar to a fishing rod to catch one and hold it ransom for my stolen thing. Cant remember what it was though. But when I put it down there, the creatures would fasten something they stole to the line so I didn't pull them up. The only thing I really remember is one of them put a Playstation 2 on thier. Score.
The next ones are from last night.
I got a job at a genetic experiment lab. The succesfully made a jaguar with wings, and made it super vicious. It didn't have like feathered wings though, it had kinda butterfly shaped fairy wings, but I wouldn't have talked shit to one about it. Them buggers were cranky 24/7 because the mondula oblongata upgrade. My job was as a security officer. But I was no pussy ass rent-a-cop. No, my job was to make sure none of the Jaguar's ever escaped the building. My boss was an anime looking chick who had the same job, I was her apprentice in a way. Now how I stopped the Jaguars from escaping was simple. Loads of guns. I could kill them, but they weren't to escape. This is because opposing genetic labs were trying to steal the DNA. So the other part of my job was to prevent them from stealing one, by any means neccesary. They would break in frequently and it'd be a shoot 'em up frenzy. Me and anime girl stayed in a big open entrance lobby and we stayed behind a big desk that was bulletproof. Never had I had a dream so much like a video game as this one. I should sell my dream to a software company or something.
Dream #2
I was hanging out with my ex-girlfriend and something happened and her dad showed up and said he was taking me home. He left her there and started to take me home. We stopped at the gas station, and I went in. Next thing I know he is waking me up, and told me he left to go take Mary home and came back 2 hours later and I was still sleeping. We got in his car and it kinda ended up being friendly which is strange for those of you who know details. Really damn strange.

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Even though I love children, I hate it when my little cousins bounce on me in the morning. I sleep on an air matress so it's like a trampoline when run and jump on it. I catch an inch of air and groggily struggle not resorting to violence. I try to pretend that I'm still asleep, ya know "play dead". I should know that shit won't work, I've seen the discovery channel before. It just fuels the fire. How do they have so much energy at 6:00am.
My toddler cousins are on crack.
Anyways, Last nights dream:
I was on a plane with my oldest sister and some of her friends from school, and we were going to some foreign country or something. After we landed we were getting some french toast and these girls kept passing by and going up an escalator. All these beautiful girls kept walking by it was like I was dreaming. They would look at me and smile so I'd smile back, so on so forth. Then all of a sudden I found myself at my parents house in Fort Wayne. My sister was throwing a party and one of the escalator girls was having a conversation with me. My sister came up was talking shit to me about mackin' one of her friends. I laughed and kept talking to her. Then I suddenly felt like I was on a trampoline. "Wake Up! Wake Up!" I hate the smell of children in the morning.

Welcome to my waste of space. I'd like to think that someday it will be more than that, but I doubt I have the patience or the time. Oh well. So anyways check it out, I'm assuming you know me, but you may not. Ok I admit it I'm kinda at a loss of inspiration right now. So sue me asshole. Last Night's Dream

I joined the militairy. I had a reason why in my dream but it escapes me now. My sleeping quarters was a small co-ed room with 9 other people. Our beds spanned wall to wall touching each other. One of the girls made a joke about having sex and how your neighbor would completley be aware. I knew this comment was meant toward my girlfriend{ladies i don't have a girlfriend} and I. Well as time went on strange things I forget now started happening due to these odd creatures i can't remember. I do remember that I was the key in eliminating them, because i had this awesome power in my index fingertips that allowed me to shock them, which apparently solved the problem. My dad showed up during the creature raid and I think he was proud of me.

I'm kinda bummed that I can't remember the details of the dream, someone woke me up and its all hazy, almost dreamlike in my memory...

thanks for reading.

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