
Tuesday, April 13, 2004

The weirdest best dream i've ever had. 

i'm in some place where waves break from the shore towards the sea. then like 3 people got hurt on the beach, while i was having sex with my ex-girlfriend. After awhile I tell her i want to go surf and she gets all emo. then her dad walks in the room and i'm cruising on the floor. She thought she saw his dad cruising around outside watching but she said he photoshoped himself to disguise himself. my mom is going to file a report about the people hurt, so i go to the police station with my mom and my brother. while we're in there my brother tries to buy a bag off these two guys getting arrested. but the guy drops the bag and the cop hears the bag hit the ground and turns around and has the guys put in jail. but not my brother. so i sneakily grab the contents of the bag and pretend like i'm throwing something away. then theres a five dollar bill on the garbage can and i show my mom while i'm putting the pot ion my pocket, and she says not to take it because there might be an alarm. i do it anyways and she was right, so i just tell the cop that I was on my way to give it to him and he doesn't even get mad at me. he even lets me have the $5. then we're walking up the street and Abdul'Baha(prominent figure in the Baha'i faith) is there and I see him and so does some lady on the street but my family thinks i'm crazy and doesn't believe me. So we go back to the hotel where we were at. Then I see my ex's dad again. he has a gun and he points it at me so i run inside another room and pull my gun out. he walks in and i rest the barrel at his head. he laughs and i laugh and it's a crazy bonding moment between us. then her mom comes though, and they start looking around my room for something. They don't find anything. Her dad leaves the room and her mom is just talking the usual shit. then her dad comes back with the dress she was wearing that morning sniffing the crotch. He fiercly looks at me and says "so your the one who got her pregnant!". I'm all confused and i say "she's pregnant? how far along?" they say 8 months, and i realize that she only had sex with me to frame me. Then i experience what every guy experiences(or so i'm told) when he finds out he's gonna be a father. I'm never sad except that she didn't tell me, and after it sets in, i'm stoked beyond reality that i'm gonna be a dad.

even if this were true i'd be stoked to be a dad, but i'm glad it was a dream.

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